What a parents for....
I used to take for granted with what my mom and dad doing for my life. I used to consider them as invaders because they always wanted to know where I was, how I was doing, kept on telling me to do this and that, expected me to be with them on holidays, etc.
Now, look at what they do to me. They are not only expecting me to get married but they are taking a further step ahead, they are striving to find my soulmate. Isn’t that interesting? Since I firmly told them that this year could be my year to open a new life and I am serious about my plan they secretly made a decision to be my matchmaker. What a wonderful parents I have! I appreciate their move. Thank you mom... thank you dad... You have just opened another door of opportunity for me. I owe you more. I know I may never be good enough for you. May God bless your efforts and gives you health to witness my matrimony when the time comes. I really want you both to be there to give me a blessing.
Do you want to know their move? Just read my chats with my sister in law below.
Tina Dewi: tadi abis dari dokter mata
Tina Dewi: Halo budhe
chrissie: hi
Tina Dewi: budhe lagi sakit yah ??
Tina Dewi: di rumah dong ??
chrissie: batuk n pilek
chrissie: ya
Tina Dewi: he.he.he.btw tadi dokter mata minta fotonya mba is
chrissie: kasih alamat blogspot aku aja
Tina Dewi: oh ya ya lupa
chrissie: ada foto gede di situ hahaha...
Tina Dewi: ha ha ha .....ntar kalo kesana lagi
chrissie: ibu sama bapak jangan sampe ngasih foto tanpa ijin aku ya
chrissie: bilangin ya
Tina Dewi: ok....
Tina Dewi: tadi aku udah mao kasi alamt email tapi ga jadi takut salah
chrissie: kok bisa ngomongin aku lagi ama tuh dokter?
Tina Dewi: maksudku kasi alamat YM he.he.he.
Tina Dewi: ya tadi ga sengaja aja
Tina Dewi: bapak nanyain gimana kok ga da kabar yg mao dikenalin itu
Tina Dewi: trus dokternya jawab
Tina Dewi: kalo dokter ferdinand kenal langsung mba is mungkin lbh gampang
chrissie: yg mau dikenlin dokter ferdinan ato siapa sebenernya?
Tina Dewi: temennya dokter ferdinand
chrissie: dokter juga?
Tina Dewi: namanya dokter frans
chrissie: aku kan lagi bikin photo galery
chrissie: nah, sekalian dia puas tuh liat aku kalo masuk ke situ juga
chrissie: jadi lengkap
chrissie: blogspot and photo hahaha..
chrissie: obral!
chrissie: katolik kan?
chrissie: terharu nih
chrissie: bokap, nyokap, ipar, temen, semua sibuk nyariin jodoh
chrissie: hehehe...
chrissie: udah waktunya kali ya
Tina Dewi: paling baru kasi alamatnya pas kontrol itu
Tina Dewi: ya katolik lah pastinya
Tina Dewi: besok dua minggu lagi kontrol kesana
chrissie: ihik...ihik...terharu...
chrissie: thanks ya atas niat baiknya
1 comment:
The man kneels down, and from his pocket he takes a tiny red-colored box, show it before the round eyes of the beautiful lady in front of him. The he begins to ask......
"Do you...?"
"I do!" the lady answers before the man finishes his words.
"Will you....?"
"I will, yes, yes....yes I will!" the lady answers again immediately.
Those I WILL and I DO change everything that very day. The world begins anew, and all the thoughts, the words and the deeds of that lovely couple will assure that from now and then only love reigns and conquers. Amor omnia vincit!
I am not the expert on romance novels, but if I should write a love story, I'll let my fingers and pen tremble with the ink, and let the story begin!
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