Saturday, May 26, 2007

Semua terasa indah pada waktunya

This article comes from my new brother in Rotary. He prefers this article to be anonymous. Let Christ's love be spread by itself, he said. To me, his life is more than rich spiritually. Up and down. Rotating. Progressing.

I met this open minded gentleman in Solo on a Rotary International District 3400 meeting a few months ago. I am very lucky of being a Rotarian. Friends are everywhere, borderless. Nationwide. Worldwide.

Enjoy reading!

Hari Minggu pagi ini, aku bersama istriku sedang menuju Gereja HKY Surabaya. Bukan bermaksud mengikuti Misa, karena pada Malam Minggu kemarin kami sudah mengikuti Misa, melainkan membeli makanan untuk breakfast. Ya, di Gereja kami mempunyai langganan penjual2 makanan yang hampir setiap Minggu pagi mesti kami datangi.

Sambil mendengarkan siaran dari Wijaya FM 103.5 dari radio di mobil yang memutar lagu2 rohani dan petikan2 ayat2 Alkitab disertai renungan. Pagi ini, renungan adalah mengenai Kasih Allah yang tidak terhingga buat kita.

Entah darimana mulainya, pelahan-lahan, aku mulai teringat akan perjalanan hidupku selama 51 tahun ini, khususnya selama 28 tahun terakhir perjalanan hidupku. Pelbagai pengalaman telah kualami, suka-duka, pahit getir hingga yang membahagiakan, termasuk pengalaman2 berkelana di dunia spiritual mencari "Tirta Kamandanu", "Sang Guru Sejati", "Sang Sumber dari Segala Pencipta", jatuh bangun, terjeblos kedalam kekeliruan2, hingga bangun lagi dari keterpurukan, dan macam2 lagi.

Aku juga teringat, beberapa orang teman akhir-akhir ini strongly recommended agar aku kembali menekuni agama Katolik secara murni dan melepaskan segala "kekuatan2 negatif" yang berada di sekelilingku. Bahkan ada yang menyarankan agar aku meniru Ayub, bersedia membuang "segalanya" demi Tuhan dan rela kehilangan segala sesuatunya sampai titik NOL, untuk kemudian dibangkitkan oleh Tuhan. Aku sadar bahwa mereka semua mengasihi aku, seorang Hamba Tuhan yang lemah dan tidak berdaya ini.

Perjalanan hidupku sudah cukup panjang, musibah demi musibah telah banyak aku lalui. Aku pernah dipakai Allah untuk menyembuhkan orang-orang dari penyakit2 yang cukup berat. Seorang teman Katekis (aku pernah menjadi Katekis selama 4 tahun) bahkan menyebutku sebagai orang yang bisa ber"nubuat" :-) . Adik kandungku yang terkecil dan amat kusayangi memperoleh karunia clairvoyant sejak lahirnya. Pengalaman2 hidup nyata kami (adikku dan aku) menyibak keanehan2 di dunia ini menyebabkan kami banyak bergaul dengan orang2 dari lintas agama. Agama bagiku adalah guidance untuk mencapai Allah Bapa. Dalam hal ini, aku telah memilih Katolik sebagai Agama peganganku dan Yesus sebagai Teladan dan Messias-ku yang mengantarkan aku kepada Allah Bapa. Adikku lain lagi, dia memilih Tao karena alasan2 dan pengalaman2 nyata dan pribadi yang telah dialaminya.

Pada saat ini, tiba-tiba aku disergap oleh rasa keharuan yang memuncak, dan tidak sadar aku menitikkan air mata. Entah kenapa. Tetapi yang jelas aku merasa bahwa betapa aku amat mencintai Yesus, Juru Selamatku. Aku juga sadar, betapa Yesus juga telah terlebih dahulu amat mencintaiku. Walaupun secara duniawi, saat ini aku berada dalam keadaan yang sulit, terutama dalam hal pekerjaan/bisnis, namun sekali lagi -entah kenapa- aku merasa betapa aku amat mengasihi Yesus, dan betapa DIA juga mengasihi aku, dan aku amat bahagia karenanya. Maka, secara spontan aku ingin menuliskan perasaan yang demikian indah ini, namun aku sadar bahwa aku tidak bisa menuangkan semuanya dalam bentuk kata2 yang memadai karena keindahan ini hanya bisa sempurna dirasakan tetapi tidak sempurna bila diungkapkan. Yang bisa kulakukan adalah membagi pengalaman spiritual ini kepada teman-teman semua, yang mengasihi aku, dan yang aku kasihi. Aku juga ingin mengatakan kepada Anda-anda semuanya bahwa
Yesus juga sangat mengasihi Anda semua.

Surabaya, 16-Juli-2006.

Friday, May 25, 2007


By: Kristyastoko (Jogja)

Most people (including myself actually) have problem of getting up and getting up HEROICALLY. What is that supposed to mean? Getting our eyes open in the morning is easy, but to get ourselves up and really stand up, that’s the most challenging one! Life has taught us that ‘momentum’ is precious, but since we’re not a dead thing (or dead matter – ‘cos we’re a living being) momentum alone is never enough. We all need a strong will and determination in the morning, probably some of us will get up from the bed and kneel down, say grace and thanksgiving to Our Lord for peaceful and resting sleep, but mostly what we need is the combination of strong will, clear determination and love plus joy in doing so, and that’s only the addition to the momentum. We may not be able to control the momentum, but we could anticipate the unexpected!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Reason, season, and lifetime

Early this morning I was greeted by an email full of meaningful phrases sent by Rtn. Yolanda, a lady of 60 years old, who dedicates her life as a Clinic Pathology Specialist. She was graduated from Faculty of Medicine, Airlangga University, and currently busy giving lecture at the same faculty and works at RS. Dr. Soetomo as well. She is my new friend and my sister in Rotary. I admire her for her passion towards life. God bless you Yolanda! (she likes to be called by name)


People always come into your life for a reason, a season and a lifetime.
When you figure out which it is, you know exactly what to do.

When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed outwardly or inwardly. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, or to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally, or even spiritually....
They may seem like a Godsend to you, and they are....
They are there for a reason you need them to be....
Then, without any wrong doing on your part or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end....
Sometimes they die, sometimes they just walk away. Sometimes they act up or out and force you to take a stand...
What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled; their work is done. The prayer you sent up has been answered and it is now time to move on....

When people come into your life for a SEASON, it is because your turn has come to share, grow or learn.....
They may bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh....
They may teach you something you have never done....
They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy....
Believe it! It is real! But, only for a season....
And like Spring turns to Summer and Summer to Fall, the season eventually ends....

Lifetime relationships teach you a lifetime of lessons; those things you must build upon in order to have a slid emotional foundation....
Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person or people (anyway); and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas in your life.....
It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant...

Thank you for being part of my life in all ways... for a reason, a season... and hopefully for a lifetime

Be Blessed!!! ^u^

" For with God nothing shall be impossible " ~ Luke 1 : 37, KJV ~

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The world begins a new

By: Mahendra Datu

The man kneels down, and from his pocket he takes a tiny red-colored box, show it before the round eyes of the beautiful lady in front of him. Then he begins to ask......

"Do you...?"
"I do!" the lady answers before the man finishes his words.
"Will you....?"
"I will, yes, yes....yes I will!" the lady answers again immediately.

Those I WILL and I DO change everything that very day. The world begins a new, and all the thoughts, the words and the deeds of that lovely couple will assure that from now and then only love reigns and conquers. Amor omnia vincit!
I am not the expert on romance novels, but if I should write a love story, I'll let my fingers and pen tremble with the ink, and let the story begin!
May 17, 2007 10:25 AM

Thursday, May 17, 2007

What a parents for....

I used to take for granted with what my mom and dad doing for my life. I used to consider them as invaders because they always wanted to know where I was, how I was doing, kept on telling me to do this and that, expected me to be with them on holidays, etc.

Now, look at what they do to me. They are not only expecting me to get married but they are taking a further step ahead, they are striving to find my soulmate. Isn’t that interesting? Since I firmly told them that this year could be my year to open a new life and I am serious about my plan they secretly made a decision to be my matchmaker. What a wonderful parents I have! I appreciate their move. Thank you mom... thank you dad... You have just opened another door of opportunity for me. I owe you more. I know I may never be good enough for you. May God bless your efforts and gives you health to witness my matrimony when the time comes. I really want you both to be there to give me a blessing.

Do you want to know their move? Just read my chats with my sister in law below.

Tina Dewi: tadi abis dari dokter mata
Tina Dewi: Halo budhe
chrissie: hi
Tina Dewi: budhe lagi sakit yah ??
Tina Dewi: di rumah dong ??
chrissie: batuk n pilek
chrissie: ya
Tina Dewi: he.he.he.btw tadi dokter mata minta fotonya mba is
chrissie: kasih alamat blogspot aku aja
Tina Dewi: oh ya ya lupa
chrissie: ada foto gede di situ hahaha...
Tina Dewi: ha ha ha .....ntar kalo kesana lagi
chrissie: ibu sama bapak jangan sampe ngasih foto tanpa ijin aku ya
chrissie: bilangin ya
Tina Dewi: ok....
Tina Dewi: tadi aku udah mao kasi alamt email tapi ga jadi takut salah
chrissie: kok bisa ngomongin aku lagi ama tuh dokter?
Tina Dewi: maksudku kasi alamat YM he.he.he.
Tina Dewi: ya tadi ga sengaja aja
Tina Dewi: bapak nanyain gimana kok ga da kabar yg mao dikenalin itu
Tina Dewi: trus dokternya jawab
Tina Dewi: kalo dokter ferdinand kenal langsung mba is mungkin lbh gampang
chrissie: yg mau dikenlin dokter ferdinan ato siapa sebenernya?
Tina Dewi: temennya dokter ferdinand
chrissie: dokter juga?
Tina Dewi: namanya dokter frans
chrissie: aku kan lagi bikin photo galery
chrissie: nah, sekalian dia puas tuh liat aku kalo masuk ke situ juga
chrissie: jadi lengkap
chrissie: blogspot and photo hahaha..
chrissie: obral!
chrissie: katolik kan?
chrissie: terharu nih
chrissie: bokap, nyokap, ipar, temen, semua sibuk nyariin jodoh
chrissie: hehehe...
chrissie: udah waktunya kali ya
Tina Dewi: paling baru kasi alamatnya pas kontrol itu
Tina Dewi: ya katolik lah pastinya
Tina Dewi: besok dua minggu lagi kontrol kesana
chrissie: ihik...ihik...terharu...
chrissie: thanks ya atas niat baiknya

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

There is always a first time for everything...

Last night was our (MD and I) first personal coaching. As planned we did it reciprocally, to which since the idea came up we call it Reciprocal Coaching. This kind of coaching could be the first coaching style in this planet. So far we haven’t found any reference toward Reciprocal Coaching. If anybody find one please don’t hesitate to share it with me.

Most of definitions on coaching put the coach at a higher level than the coachee because the coach should meet some criteria on coaching skills and techniques as stated by Eric Parsloe, a Director of Oxford School of Coaching and Mentoring. He defines coaching as a process that enables learning and development to occur and thus performance to improve. To be a successful a Coach requires a knowledge and understanding of process as well as the variety of styles, skills and techniques that are appropriate to the context in which the coaching takes place (The Manager as Coach and Mentor, 1999, page 8).

Back to real world. Back to us. MD and I... we both have zero skills, zero techniques in personal coaching. We never go to coaching institution to get a degree. This will not stop us. I believe our goodwill, our experience, and our conscience will lead us to find all the best criteria required suitable for us. God speaks, we listen, others follow. Keep life simple. Keep on enriching it. That’s the beauty of life.

The topics of this session were “Goal Setting and Arenas of Life”. Yet, since this is a personal coaching MD reminded me not to share the content we have been discussed to anyone. We shared each other our goal on each arena of life (self, family, community, business/professional, etc), we set time frame, level of urgency, tools to achieve the goal, and many more. It was a fruitful session. MD shared his great plan and I have to save it for myself. This could be my first experience and against my believe to always put myself as a Public Relation of good things, share great things to more and more people. Inspire them. For this great one, I talk to myself:”Chris, keep the commitment, don’t make MD upset, embernya jangan bocor ya hahaha....” Tough... a challenge!

Well... I am looking forward to experience the second one.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Amazing Kay

Clementia Caitlyn Tifona (oftently called Kay or Caitlyn) is such an amazing girl. Her age is not even 2.5 years yet, but she acts as an older one. She fluently chats with anybody she likes (including the neighbours), in her kiddy innocent style of course. She often comes up with suprising topics. Here's one of the topic she raised to her mom. And as usual her mom shares the thing with me, Kay's bude, through Yahoo Messenger. Enjoy reading!

Tina Dewi: halo budhe
chrissie: hi
Tina Dewi: lagi mao kasi koment nih
Tina Dewi: ini kay lucu banget nih
chrissie: bole
Tina Dewi: barussan kan aku masak di belakang
Tina Dewi: trus dia kan ikutan eh tau2 nya ngomng gini
Tina Dewi: mah aku mao berdoa takut ada orang
Tina Dewi: trus mata dia terpejam bilang
Tina Dewi: tuhan kirim orang buat jaga kaytlin yah
Tina Dewi: ha ha ha........
Tina Dewi: lucu banget
chrissie: aduh....kok pinter sih tuh anak
chrissie: orisinil
chrissie: abis itu kamu bilang apa?
Tina Dewi: ya aku juga kaget kok dia bisa mikir gitu yah ??
Tina Dewi: sambil tangan di dekap di dada
Tina Dewi: ha ha ha luuc deh liat ekspresi mukanya
chrissie: trus reaksimu apa?
Tina Dewi: ya aku bilang bagus kay pinter
Tina Dewi: abis berdoa trus langsuing masuk kamar minta makan
chrissie: gw percaya guardian angel membimbing dia
chrissie: kita semua kan punya guardian angel
chrissie: dan mereka setia membimbing
chrissie: cuma kadang2 kita kopeg
chrissie: atau gak sensitif untuk mendengar bimbingannya
chrissie: kay sensitif
Tina Dewi: yg aku bingung berati dia mikir yah
chrissie: dia dengar, dia ikutin
Tina Dewi: kok tau2nya mesti berdoa
Tina Dewi: mungkin dari rasa takutnya dia trus dia jadi minta tolong ma tuhan
chrissie: yang gw tau prosesnya begini
chrissie: kita mendengar suara hati kecil
chrissie: trus kita bikin keputusan
Tina Dewi: padahal kan baru 2 th setengah
chrissie: pada saat bikin keputusan, itu artinya kita berpikir
chrissie: pakai logika
chrissie: trus kita ikutin
chrissie: itu yang terjadi
chrissie: kay emang logikanya jalan
chrissie: gw perhatiin kalau kita neranginnya benar dia bis amengerti
chrissie: artinya logika jalan
chrissie: dia bisa jadi anak hebat kalau nyebur di kolam yang tepat
chrissie: bukan berarti sekolah di tempat mahal
chrissie: tapi sekolah di tempat yang benar
chrissie: sejalan dengan hatinya dia
chrissie: baca totto chan
chrissie: aku percaya banget sama pendidikan kayak gitu
chrissie: kayaknya gw masih punya copynya
Tina Dewi: ok
chrissie: aku mau masukin chatting ini ke blogku ya?
chrissie: cerita menarik
chrissie: boleh kah?
chrissie: tanya kay juga ya?
Tina Dewi: boleh
Tina Dewi: dia lagi asyik makan
Tina Dewi: aku bikinini sup kaldu ayam
Tina Dewi: pake brokoli ama wortel
Tina Dewi: trus lauknya serti kmrn minta telor kornet
Tina Dewi: yummmy
Tina Dewi: dah 10 suapan nih
chrissie: hehehe...ceritain sama papanya donk. soal doa dia hari ini.
Tina Dewi: laig ngunyah brokoli
Tina Dewi: udah
Tina Dewi: komentranya cuma hophoho doang
chrissie: man! what do you expect? hahaha...
chrissie: udah dulu ya
chrissie: mau miting dulu
chrissie: nanti sambung lagi
chrissie: salam buat kay!
chrissie: mmmmmmmmmmmmuah

Monday, May 7, 2007

Gelombang cinta

Sabtu 5 Mei yang lalu, aku mengirimkan sms ke Three Musketeers Rasdi, Felix, dan Mahendra. Isinya adalah info sekaligus undangan untuk keesokan harinya jika mereka sekeluarga ingin datang ke misa mingguan dengan nuansa yang berbeda karena di gerejaku, Gereja ST. Servasius, Kampung Sawah, akan kedatangan Orkestra Seminari Wacana Bhakti.

Felix dan keluarga ternyata sedang di Bandung, sedangkan Mahendra sibuk menyiapkan misa berbahasa Latin di Kedubes Vatican (Ketua panitia nih ye…!). Rasdi mengindikasikan akan datang (smsnya cuma bilang…”Great idea!”).

Minggu pagi aku ke gereja seperti biasa. Duduk di baris paling depan. Setelah berdoa, mataku terpana dengan dua buah pohon di depan altar. Daunnya hijau tua dengan sangat seksi. Aku membatin. Seusai misa aku akan foto pohon itu dan minta tolong Pak Malik, gardener, untuk mencarikannya. Mataku menengok ke barisan koor. Lho…kok nggak ada deretan partitur stand, dan alat2 orkestra? Lha…kok malah ibu-ibu duduk di deretan kursi koor. Aku menduga mungkin orketranya di atas. Aku coba melongok…hmmm…tampaknya gak ada tanda-tanda nih. Aku gelisah karena merasa sudah menyebarkan info salah dan takut melihat wajah Rasdi sekeluara kecewa kalau ternyata misa tanpa orkestra. Untuk menenangkan diri aku mengirimnya sms maaf…maaf…maaf… hehehe…ini pertama kalinya di gereja masih sibuk dengan sms.

Misa berjalan. Dan betul. Tanpa orkestra.

Mataku sesekali melirik pohon seksi di depan Altar.

Saat akhir, di bagian penutup Romo Ikhsan, mengumumkan bahwa Sabtu dan Minggu 12 dan 13 Mei, akan ada Perayaan Pesta Nama Paroki, Pesta Sedekah Bumi, dan kunjungan Seminari Wacana Bhakti dan orkestranya. Maka misa pertama di hari Minggu ditiadakan. Pengumuman si Romo kok seperti Déjà vu buat aku ya? Gumun deh…. Lagi gumun mikirin tiba-tiba aku dengar si Romo menunjuk pohon di depan Altar dan bilang bahwa nama pohon itu adalah Gelombang Cinta dan di pamerkan di aula gereja bersamaan dengan Seminar tentang Tanaman. Alamaaak!

Selesai misa, aku membuka handphone. Sms dari Rasdi, tidak bisa ke Kampung Sawah karena bersih-bersih rumah. Thank God! Pikiranku langsung fokus menuju ke aula, melihat tanaman. Aku tanya soal pohon impian di dalam gereja yang sejak awal misa menyita perhatian. Ternyata dijual dan harganya rp3 juta dan Rp4 juta. Wah…Gelombang Cinta yang sudah mapan ternyata mahal, bo! Aku liat ada Gelombang Cinta yang masih muda dan ukurannya pas untuk diletakkan di kamar mandi. Modal untuk membawanya pulang hanya empat lembar lima puluh ribuan.

Sampai di rumah aku langsung menunjukkan pohon hasil temuanku pagi itu ke Pak Malik yang kebetulan sedang merawat tamanku. Dia bilang: “Bagus amat, Bu, Gelombang Cintanya. Berapa ibu beli? Kalau sebesar itu sekitar Rp350ribuan.” Aku kaget karena Pak Malik juga menyebut pohon ini Gelombang Cinta. Tadinya aku pikir itu cuma julukan buat promosi. Dengan bangga aku bilang: “Wah…ini rejeki saya pagi ini, Pak. dapat pohon bagus hanya dengan Rp200ribu.” Pak Malik bersemangat: “Murah bu…nanti saya rawat. Kalau besar bisa jutaan harganya. Itu tanaman indoor, Bu.”

Aku pun masuk dan membawa Pohon Gelombang Cinta ke kamar mandi. Mbatin…gelombang cinta dalam arti sebenarnya pasti tidak murah juga. Makin bertambah usia, makin mahal karena perawatannya memerlukan kasih untuk berbagi harapan; ini tidak ternilai choy!

Mudah-mudahan pohon ini bisa menjadi spirit hidup buat semua orang yang tinggal atau bertamu di rumahku. Gelombang Cinta… The wave of loves. I wonder who gave the name and where did he/she get the name from?

Thursday, May 3, 2007

I love money. Do you?

I joined Brad Sugar, Billionaire in Training Seminar, at Jakarta Convention Centre this evening. All seats were taken and I guess there were more than a thousand people in the room.

Let me explain a bit about Brad Sugar. He is a 35 years old Australian guy, young, rich, good looking (but not my type), having 52 companies worldwide - one of them is ActionCoach, a worldwide Business Coaching company where we send mediatrac to be coached.

He taught us how to be a billionaire. This is to share with you. Hopefully I grab what Sugar said sharply. Business is like climbing a ladder. There are steps to go up and down. The fist step is EMPLOYEE (where most of the people starts) continued by SELF EMPLOYED, MANAGER, BUSINESS OWNER, INVESTOR and the top one is ENTERPRENEUR (where only some people ends up). The idea is progressing from getting an active income to enjoying a passive one. To get to this point the key is only LEARN. Learning leads us to earning, which I absolutely agree.

But somehow I had a mix feeling when he repeatedly uttering the words "rich, money, rich, money, rich". And I started to feel sleepy. This is a natural reaction of me when I lost my interest. Deep inside my heart I felt sorry for Brad for being sleepy while he talked. Deep inside my heart I said to myself that money is not a goal. Sorry Brad, I have to disagree with you. My life is not for money, Brad! Thank God, finally I was relieved when he said: "Life is gaining something out of our best." And I concluded it's not only money. There are some more.

To me, money is a leverage to lift us to something better, something higher, something big to my standard. It's not the goal. It's a tool. And yes, I love money to buy things I like, to buy presents to those I love, to bring me overseas, and to give some to the needy. Money makes my life better. And absolutely I want to earn more. I may not as rich as Brad Sugar but I'm sure my life is sweeter than sugar ha...ha...that's the big idea!

A one-year birthday girl

Finally the internet connection is back to normal, so I can spend some of my times before go to bed writing my mood of the day. Thanks technology. Be friendly to me please...! Now, I want to take this opportunity to catch the unwritten feeling hanging around in my mind. Enjoy this one...

In a day of 27th April
Life begins at fourty and I am a one-year birthday girl this year. And I want to thank my mom and dad, who rang me very early in the morning to pass their warm wishes (please don't cry mom!). Also my brothers, Anton and Yudhi; my late sister who I believe always pray for me; my sisters in law, Ovi and Tina; my nieces and nephew, Viana, Vito and Caitlyn.

This birthday, I was surrounded by highly creative people. Thanks to Diding, Dora, Reni, Tri, Aris, and many others who tried to reach me at the first minutes on the day and sing a Happy Birthday Song from somewhere in a West Java jungle with bad signal mobile phone. What an effort you guys made!

Also I want to say thanks to Shinta who sent me a prayer through sms that made me fall into tears again; Oki, for her simple words; Ochi for the right time wishes; Nani for sending me an sms during her over-loaded day and call me a few days later to make things appropriate; Erna who also called me very early in the morning (it's like a wake up call tho'); Rasdi who called me on his way to Opus Day Retreat in Puncak; my senior high friends, Paula and Nurwadhiar, for remembering my special day; Ai and Ita, my friends at UI, for always passing her wishes; Tiwi and Mila, my little friends; Henrica and Lingkan who called me at the same time (they planned it)on very last minutes of the day (midnite to April 28th); and Santi who sent me an sms the next day and say sorry for worry San, we are all getting old hahaha...; and many others who I may forget to spell out your names here (forgive me for being 41, I will add your name as I remember later).

Last but not least, thanks to MD who came up with the idea of I am a one-year old birthday girl. It cheers me up.

Thank you and I love you all.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

A letter to Mom and Dad

I should post this on Tuesday, 24 April 2007, on my parents’ 42nd wedding anniversary; along with a bouquet of flowers sent to them. And for this I would blame technology as the scapegoat, for causing trouble on the internet connection. The fact is… tower pusat kesamber petir bo!

Ok. This is my letter to them. I try to turn back the clock, zoom in to 42 years ago. It was a lady and a gentleman who showed their gut to make a lifetime commitment to be a husband and wife. What a daring decision I envy!

Dear Mom and Dad,

Some early years living with you is like swimming in a nice and warm pool. You put a lovely swimming suit on me and taught me how to swim. I swam at the same pool with your eyes on me everyday…until someday I got bored and I asked your permission to swim in another pool. I knew it was hard for you to let me go. But I couldn’t wait to see the ocean and explore it.

It was tough Mom…Dad…
The tide rises, the tide falls. Most of the time I have to face all shocking tides alone. Sometimes I couldn’t breathe. Your swimming techniques only work at your pool with no tides in it. It was a time when I kept on blaming you. Pardon my language Mom…Dad…

I grew up Mom…Dad…
I grew up as everybody does and I still swim in the same ocean. Amazingly as I grew up, I descend myself deep down in the ocean. I am diving now. The deeper I go the more challenging views I enjoy. I can even sing with the whales. Sometimes I meet sharks, too. I am frightened. Who doesn’t? But I have to stay in the ocean, so I learn to speak their language to make them friendlier. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.

Now I can dive as deep as I want. I realize all starts from your hands holding me tight in your warm pool with your caring love. I learn how small things could make a big difference. I will keep dancing with the whales and follow the ocean rhythm. I have no worry at all. You give me enough. Thanks Mom…Dad….

I promise to take care of ikan sapu-sapu di comberan as well! As your advice.

Happy anniversary! May God give you a healthy life and blessed your days forever.

Love you always
Me, the eldest yet the weakest

Prayers from all of us:
chris yuanita (chris, yudhi, anton, ita)
ovi, tina, viana, vito and caitlyn